Three books that inspired me in 2022

Let Your Mind Run: A Memoir of Thinking My Way to Victory, by Deena Kastor.

If I could recommend only one book on mindset to other artists, this would be it. Athletes and artists really do have a lot more in common than you‘d think, and this book is a mix of inspiring personal story, and actionable advice.

Happy Money: The Japanese Art of Making Peace with Your Money, by Ken Honda.

Like so many people, I was raised to associate a great deal of negativity with money. This book completely changed the way I feel about money, giving me a more calm and positive attitude towards it.

Salt, Fat, Acid, Heat, by Samin Nosrat.

I was blown away by this amazing cookbook. It is so much more than a collection of recipes, teaching the principles of cooking in a way that is both easily understandable and inspiring.